Based on pictures I've seen from the past I don't think it was much of a stretch for Pamela to get the '80's Metal rock chick thing going.

We worry about Mike.

Neighbor Don.... I think his wife Shelly really got into the theme and made him dress up. She looked great too. Jim with the 50's thing was about 10 years early and Rog, my brother did a big stretch with the '90's grunge flannel... of course his name tag read "Kurt."

KC has been doing Extreme Bootcamp for the past year. Yes, an hour a day, 5 days a week for the past year and has been loving it. Her mantra has been "fit by 40", and it's worked. The gang from bootcamp all won chocolate bars in one of the party games.

Of course there was cake. The only candles Rosanne and I could find were left over from the kids birthday's over the years. So there was a "4" and some other candles arranged kind of in a "0". Kerrianne made her own cake, her mom's recipe that has to be the best chocolate cake in the world.

For me, I spent the week before the party growing some righteous lamb chops. I might keep 'em for a while because they are a great conversation piece.

Me and my lovely wife. Take note of the 1977 tile on the floor behind us, not getting to that part of the remodel projects really made for a nice welcome to the party as people entered.

And here she is, "fit at 40."

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