Back in December I began my quest to complete 100 consecutive pushups. Keithrus at work had showed me a website http://hundredpushups.com/ that lays out a plan to complete this in 6 weeks. Well I was a little longer than 6 weeks, got distracted a bit, repeated a few weeks of the program, went off the program.
For Christmas KC got me these "perfect pushup" things that are handles that rotate as you do pushups. My plan was to complete the 100 before using them but 2 weeks ago I just astarted using them and kinda gave up on the plan. Not wanting to be a quitter on Feb 20 I thought I'd do a test to see how many pushups I could do, and sure enough I did it!
On Dec. 9 I was able to do 33 pushups in good form. On Feb 20 I completed 101.
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