Ethan is now in the first grade which means Cub Scouts and there was a get together this afternoon at a bowling alley in Montrose for new kids to come meet some of the other scouts and leaders, so we went. Also my brother sent my name in as being a possible den leader so it looks like I'm getting roped in to that fortunately Ethan's buddy Jason's dad is into it to so we'll lead together.
Anyway Ethan got out there and threw the ball down the alley and had a great time.

And he took a video of me utilizing the kid's bumpers on the gutters....
Bowling was great fun and included hanging out with some of Ethan's friends from school and meeting the other Scout leaders... next week is the first Pack meeting.
After we got home and had dinner I went for a short run, 3.6 miles to the gym and back, while at the gym I did 10 minutes on the stationary bike and weighed myself... down to 222. That's 25 pounds lost since I started training in April. It feels good.
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