As usual it was a rolling start with Trevor counting down to 5:30pm.

I kind of teamed up with Reid as we seemed to take the first bike portion and the run up to the waterfall at the same pace. He and I got to the waterfall with 4 racers behind us, and not too ar behind two others. I was feeling prety good because they were all guys I was a long ways behind last year. So either they slowed down or I was a little faster this year.

Rog was coming up the trail as I headed down. I was able to run down the hill at a pretty good pace but still stopped for a photo.

I made good time down the run and on the paved road part of the bike ride and pulled ahead of
Reid. By the time I reached the summit of Hillbilly Hill I had gotten a ways ahead of Reid and headed down the back side of the hill. The road was hard packed and light sand, not a great combination. I came around a corner about 1/4 the way down and saw Wade and overreacted a bit to make sure I stayed on my side of the road and went over the bars. I ended with a Pete Rose style head first slide along the side of the road.
Wade stopped to see that I was OK as I got up. Some road rash on my left knee and elbow and I jumped back on the bike to find the chain off the front sprocket. I got off and had to fight to get it back on track, in the meantime Reid blew on past me. I was able to get things going again and finished the ride down to the Hillbilly Gate and was able to keep Reid in sight. The ride back down the hill I was not able to catch up to him but did make up some time.
Before I got in the pool Trevor took a picture.

I was successful on one of the 3 "Adventure Skills" which took 1 lap off of the "Adventure swim" which meant only 13 laps. I got in the pool on Reid's first lap and somewhere along the line he let me pass.
Here's Rog with his soccer ball skills test.

And getting washed off while doing pushups.

My total time was 1 hour 32 minutes which is 22 minutes faster than last year. It felt good.
Even with injuries. I did win the trophy for most blood.

After 8 years Danny finally came home with first place.... well, he didn't get to take the trophy home, it stays in Trevor's garage till next year.

Now it's time to start training on the road bike.
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