I thought I'd look for a place to swim but as you can see the beaches were closed.

I got in about 7 miles total riding today and it felt great. The So. Cal. weather is perfect: not a cloud in the sky, not too hot out. I have found a spot on the lot that is like a park, apparently some folks play softball there, but it's a good uphill ride for 1 1/2 miles to get there. Once there I usually drop the bike and do some push ups, sit ups and such, today I gave it a shot at running and did 3 laps around which I estimate to be about a mile. I've been wearing the floves (VFFs) while riding so it's an easy transition to run. Kinda nice running on the grass though some spots were a bit squishy from all of the rain over the last 2 weeks. Overall the run felt good, just don't want to over do it.
After riding around past the Desperate Housewives, Spartacus Square and the Old West I headed back to the office. When I got there I looked down and discovered that I had caught some grass between my toes while running.

I think I'll be adding in that run as a regular part of the routine.
I came across this article from a study on Barefoot or in minimal footwear.... and interesting read.