The big race was quite an adventure. The temperature at race time was 103 but everyone got off to a good start. The first hill was pretty killer in the heat but I made it to the start of the run, but then my legs had nothing. I walked much of the way up to the waterfall and dunked my head in. I was able to run back down to the bike and made up a bit of time there and on the bike to the Hillbilly Hill trail head. But then it was back in the sun, I got my bike over the fence and drug myself over. I made my way up the mountain with a combination of walking and riding. From the summit down to the Hillbilly gate I made good time and was able to get my body temperature down enough to ride up the last 1 1/2 mile uphill without discomfort.
During that last mile of uphill I was thinking that I had seen everyone... except Trevor. Could he have been that far out ahead? Then I saw him coming toward me and he yelled "I got a flat!" Well, now I new I wasn't last and how embarrassing would it be if I got beat by someone that had stopped to repair a flat tire? (turns out he actually rode back down to his house on the flat, changed the tube and then headed ack out to tackle hillbilly hill (added about 3 miles to his race.) I dug deep and got myself to the top of the hill and then bonsai down to Trevor's house. I got to the house and missed both freethrows so that meant had 13 adventure laps in the pool, and it felt good to be in the pool.
Here's the map of the ride:
And some details:
Distance: 10.2 miles including 2 miles of run
Total Climb: 1830 ft
Total Descent: 1812 ft
Seen on the race: 1 bear, 1 snake of some kind, 1 rat.
Total time was 1 hour 54 min.... so I cut 12 minutes off of last years time, so I feel good. Turns out only 2 of us from last year improved our times, Don took 27 minutes off of his time from 2007. I thought I'd do even better so I'm saying it's due to the heat, I sure felt a lot more optimistic after my performance on my pre-rides so I'll be evaluating my training plan and how I deal with heat.